Minding the Gap 2016
Booking for our next symposium on Friday June 30th 2017 is now open: https://mindingthegap2017.eventbrite.co.uk
Over 100 people attended the 1 day symposium on July 1st 2016: the original event information with its associated links to some resources is still available here.
The event explored a number of interesting issues and led to a series of useful ongoing discussions between participants. This led to a process of reappraising and developing some of the workshop content and this is reflected in the resources below.
The day had the following programme of speakers: (links to the associated resources are shown where available)
09.30-10.00 Arrivals
10.00-11.15 Welcome, Tim Duerden & Practice
Mindful_Resilience_Enhancement-Minding_the_Gap-1-Working _with_Mismatch-Tim Duerden
11.15-11.40 Break
11.40-13.00 Sarah Fletcher-Shaw & Kelly Birtwell & Practice
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.50 Louise Marley & Practice
14.50-15.00 Comfort Break
15.00-16.00 Tim Duerden & Close
The looped bodyscan practice refereed to in this talk is available here: https://soundcloud.com/resilienceplus/sets/body-scan-practices