Integrated Mindfulness @ The Mindful Living Show 2018 &2019

2019 Mindful Living Show

A pdf of the slides used at the show with references is available here.

You are welcome to contact me by email at


Free One day Conference on Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness

You may be interested in the free one day conference we are holding at the University of Salford on June 29th 2018. We will be exploring trauma-sensitive approaches to teaching mindfulness.

Details are here:



If you want to receive updates on our training events, free resources we are making available or other news, please sign up to our occasional newsletter here:



2018 Show in Manchester

We attended both days of the Mindful Living Show in Manchester on 2nd and 3rd February 2018, 10am-5pm at stand B10.

Details of the talks we gave and demos we held at the stall are below – the links on the demo programme take you to free guides and resources.


Tim Duerden’s Talks at the Show

The videos of Tim’s and most of the  other speakers talks are available for £20 from the organiser’s website:


Friday 2nd February 2018, Time 11:20-11:50am

Slides of the talk:Starting Where You Are – integrating mindfulness into your life

Finding time to regularly practice mindfulness can seem an impossible hurdle. This session explores how to seamlessly integrate mindfulness into your daily routines even when life is very busy.


Saturday 3rd February 2018, Time 14:00-14:30pm

This talk is now available for free from the Mindful Living Show organisers.  Scroll down the page to ‘Navigating the Science and the Hype’.


Slides of the talk: “Mindfulness – Navigating the Science and the Hype

The growing evidence base for mindfulness includes clinical research and brain science. While this evidence base has been used to support the increasing use of mindfulness in ever wider clinical, educational and corporate contexts, there is growing concern that the enthusiasm for mindfulness is ahead of science. Tim will explore the current state of mindfulness science: its strengths and its weaknesses.




Using Objects as Anchors in Mindfulness Practice Information

There is a 35 minute video that outlines using different objects here. There is a pdf for download here.



We have a schedule of demonstrations we are holding at the stand – see below. We will also be posting any linked materials to the demos.

While these demos are aimed to be fun as suits the Show, many of the same practices used in these demos offer very safe and accessible ways to cultivate aspects of mindfulness awareness. This can be especially important when teaching mindfulness in the context of trauma where someone may have distressing associations with the breath or body and they may experience re-traumatisation with the breath and body focused mindfulness practices used in many mindfulness programmes. In addition, the very passivity of many mindfulness practices, with the associated reduction in sensory inputs, can result in amplification of the intensity of unwanted internal experiences and/or risk inducing dissociative experiences in people with a tendency to dissociate. These issues will be explored in the forthcoming free day symposium in June 2018: Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness and Compassion at the University of Salford.

Linked to some of these demos, we will be offering Objects as Anchors Sets for sale – a great way to try out different ways of using objects in mindfulness practice without having to buy packs of each type of object. See below for more information on using the objects in these packs.

If you need to pay by credit card when at our stand you can use these secure PalPal buttons that will take you to the PayPal payment site:

£10 Objects as Anchors Set

… ..or.…… £15 Objects as Anchors Set




Demonstrations at Stand B10

These free demos will be offered to anyone asking to do them at our stand at these times.

Click the names with links to get more details about the facilitators and click the practice titles to get more information on each practice.

All the demos will be done standing. Unless specified otherwise they will be guided by Tim or Annette.

Friday Demonstrations Saturday Demonstrations
10.30 Mindful Sauntering – mindful walking made simple (and not weird!).  10.30 Keeping the Body in Mind with Annika Wager – being mindful when interacting with others. See Annika’s details below.
11.00 Photo Foraging with Cathy Fortune. Mindful photography: go to #PhotoForager18. See Cathy’s details below and a practice guide.
 11.00 Mindful Sauntering – mindful walking made simple (and not weird!).
11.20 Starting Where You Are‘ talk by Tim Duerden in the Theatre (see below for more details of the talk)
 11.30 Mindful Bubble-wrap Popping (and not popping)
12.30 Mindful Bubble-wrap Popping (and not popping)  12.00 Mindfulness of Mobiles – ways of being mindful with your mobile phone – loosening muscles while on the phone.
13.00 Mindfulness of Mobiles – ways of being mindful with your mobile phone – loosening muscles while on the phone.
 12.30 Mindfulness of Breathing with Stretchies – breathing with more senses
13.30 Mindfulness of Breathing with Stretchies – breathing with more senses  13.00 Keeping the Body in Mind with Annika Wager – being mindful when interacting with others. See Annika’s details below.
14.00 Photo Foraging with Cathy Fortune. Mindful photography: go to #PhotoForager18. See Cathy’s details below and a practice guide.  13.30 Heat pads and Ice Cubes – a mindfulness mental workout!
14.30 Heat pads and Ice Cubes - a mindfulness mental workout!  14.00 Mindfulness – Navigating the Science and the Hype talk by Tim Duerden in the Theatre (see below for more details of the talk)
15.30 Mindful Movement with Beanbags – a great way to move mindfully  15.30 Mindful Movement with Beanbags – a great way to move mindfully
16.30 Mindful Balloon Popping – urge surf those reactions…  16.30 Mindful Balloon Popping – urge surf those reactions…

Please note – this is our planned schedule. During the Show, the programme may need to vary depending on circumstances.


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